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Meta Business (Facebook & Instagram) Management - STARTER

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Post mades of image and text.
Story made of image and text. Action buttons added to post.
Animated or Montage Videos in 16:9 format (up to 60sec)
Animated or Montage Videos in 9:16 format (up to 15sec)

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We don't publish posts, we create them!

Facebook is an extremely popular and widely used social networking site. Given that it has been on the market for a long time, they claim that it is for older people:) This is undoubtedly what the younger generations, now in their twenties, will remark. We must consider this reality and develop significant marketing strategies aimed at people who are more engaged on social network, specifically the 35-60 age group. Of course, tailored marketing for that population necessitate a product designed just for them, so you should begin the Facebook story with that information.


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